Hassle-Free Returns Policy1
If you’re not completely satisfied with your NutriGardens purchase, simply return the unused portion along with the original container within 90 days for a full refund. Please contact our Customer Care team to obtain a Return Authorization (RA) number before sending back your items. Make sure the RA number is clearly visible on your package prior to shipping. Unfortunately, we do not process exchanges.
Return Address:
NutriGardens, LLC
Attn: Returns RA#___
13500 SW Pacific Hwy. #58-250
Portland, OR 97223
For products not purchased directly from NutriGardens, please return them to the original seller according to their return policy.
Product Storage Guidelines
The expiration date on our products applies to unopened containers. Once opened, keep products in a cool, dry place. In warm or humid environments, refrigeration is recommended after opening. Ensure you use a clean, dry spoon or scoop each time to maintain product quality.
Thank you for choosing NutriGardens!